Redwood Tree Seeds | Types | How to grow

Redwood Tree Seeds | Types | How to grow

Redwood trees are famous worldwide for their immense size, endurance and beauty. They are found mostly in the California’s Sierra Nevada and the Pacific Northwest regions.

This article will go over two main kinds of redwood seeds as well as the accurate ways and where you can plant them. Not only that we will also discuss the possible risks and the perfect places to purchase the seeds. We will also address frequently asked questions as well as bring helpful tips. So let’s begin your journey of growing redwoods from seeds with us!

California Redwood Tree Seeds (Sequoiadendron giganteum):

Appearance: The California Redwood Tree Seeds are tiny seeds that measure just 4-5 millimeters in length and are found in small wooden cones. They start green, but then turn brown as they age with each cone having an egg-like shape and 4-7 centimeters wide.

Distribution: When the cones are dried and release seeds, they are more likely to fall closer to the parent tree. But in some cases, they may be carried farther by winds.

Habitat: These Redwoods thrive on moist well-drained soils. They can also handle a little snowfalls during winter.

Growing: Once established, massive redwoods can last for a long time as they reach heights of 200 feet.

Coast Redwood Seeds (Sequoia sempervirens):

Appearance: Coast redwood seeds range from 4 to 5 millimeters in rounded cone shapes that measure between 2-3 centimeters across.

Dissemination: Similar to California redwoods, the seeds are usually released after their cones dry and drop to the ground close to their tree of origin, though winds can benefit disperse them further.

Habitat: Coast Redwoods thrive in humid environments with mild, humid climates.

Development: Coast redwoods have quick and rapid-proliferating root systems which produce new branches out of roots and trunks. This allows them to quickly recover from damage like fire.

The Growing Redwood Trees from seeds

Starting redwood trees from seed is an enjoyable endeavor that lets you observe the evolution of these trees from their initial stages to massive trees. Here’s how to start and take care of the seedlings of a redwood tree:

Harvesting Redwood Tree Seeds

Collecting Seeds: If your garden has access to cones of redwood, you can harvest seeds from the cones directly. Find dried-out cones that have turned brown – usually located under the trees. They have tiny flat seeds within them. Open each cone gently in order to extract the small flat seeds that are inside.

Stratification: Soaking seeds with the water over 24 hours can soften their layer of seed and improve the chances of seed germination and growth.

Preparing the Soil and Planting:

Make up the Soil:

For a successful seeding, choose a soil that is well-drained or mix such as potting mix or one with perlite, peat moss and sand. Small pots or containers should be filled with the mixture you choose to plant seeds.

Sow the seeds: Once the seeds have been stratified for 12-24 hrs, set them under the soil’s on the surface (around 1/4″ in depth) and then lightly cover the seeds with soil.

Provide Appropriate Conditions:

Keep Soil Moist:

To maintain a uniform level of moisture on your lawn, ensure that you water gently and regularly. It is essential to prevent your soil from not drying too fast or getting excessively waterlogged.

Sufficient light: Pots that contain seedlings should be placed in areas that receive light that is bright and indirect, like windowsills or brightly lit indoor areas to maximise sunlight exposure.

Caring for Redwood Tree Seedlings:

Patience is the key: Redwood seeds take some time to germinate, which is why patience is of paramount importance. To speed up the process of development, keep the soil moist by watering it frequently for seeds to germinate.

Thin Seedlings Out: Once seedlings have emerged and are several inches high, they should be thinned out according to the need. This should be done in order to prevent pots getting too full and leave only the most vigorous ones in the pot.

Transplants: Once seedlings have grown to three or four inches tall and have established strong roots, they should be transplanted into larger pots or directly into the earth.

Pruning and Maintenance:

Gentle pruning can benefit shape them and promote healthy growth. Get rid of dead or damaged branches as well as rival branches that could threaten central leadership by trimming them.


It is important to follow certain safety precautions when you start redwood trees with seeds:

Monitor Mold/Fungal Growth:

Since soil needs to remain humid, be sure to look for any signs of mold or fungal growth frequently. If any signs are found, then stop watering for a couple of days to let the soil dry more thoroughly before proceeding with your work.

Don’t drown: Excessive water can quickly drown seeds and cause root rot. So, be sure to check soil regularly and only water when it is necessary.

Monitoring Temperature: In order to fulfil optimal development and germination of seeds, be sure to store them in the range 60-75 degF (15-24degC). Do not place them in extremely temperatures or cold conditions.

Where to Buy

Where can you buy when you are looking to purchase seeds for the redwood tree? There are many sources to consider:

Online retailers: Amazon is one such retailer, but make sure to check out other marketplaces such as speciality seed retailers that have positive reviews from customers.

Local nurseries for a direct experience: Local garden centers and nurseries might have them available to sell. This is an excellent choice to think about before making your purchase as you can personally visit them yourself.

Specialist Stores: Physical and online specialty stores for plants and trees can have redwood tree seeds to be sold, and provide specific information about their source and the quality.

When buying seeds, you need to select a trustworthy source to assure the highest quality of seeds. Find sellers that have high ratings and favorable customer reviews. Also, look into their policies on returns and customer service in case of problems with your purchase.


The process of growing redwood trees from seeds is a thrilling and rewarding adventure, providing the opportunity to witness their amazing development from the smallest seeds to massive giants. It is possible to watch the entire process unfold before your eyes as these amazing species grow over time. Make sure to buy high-quality seeds that are sourced from trusted sources and adhere to the growing guidelines provided. Take your time and enjoy the whole process!

Here are some commonly asked queries (FAQs)

Are redwood trees capable of bearing seeds?

Both coast redwoods and California redwoods produce tiny seeds which can be collected and planted. Their size depends upon species.

How big are the seeds from redwood trees?

Redwood seeds measure 3 millimeters wide by 9 millimeters long.

How large is the redwood tree seed?

Redwood tree seeds are small, measuring between 4 and 5 millimeters long – roughly equivalent to grains of rice – making it easy for them to spread with winds or just drift away from their parents’ trees.

What Are Redwood Tree Seeds OSRS?

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) uses redwood seeds in farming skills that enable players to cultivate redwood trees within the game itself, unlike real-life seeds which must be planted directly.

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