Iris Seed Pods | Types | FAQs

Iris Seed Pods | Types | FAQs

Iris is a flowering plant with beautiful and showy flowers. It is one of the most commonly used flowers in weddings because of its colorful appearance. Iris reproduce by producing seeds.

In this article, we will see the step-to-step journey of how to grow Iris seed pods to beautiful flowers, where to buy these seeds and their germination period, etc.

Iris Seed Pods

Siberian Irises:


Siberian Iris seeds are green, with elongate capsules, which appear like pea pods. When they reach maturity, they begin to turn brown and could start to split.


Seed pods are could be harvested in the late the summer or in early autumn, just a few weeks after the flowering.


After harvest, the seed pods can be sliced open to remove the seeds. In order for successful germination, seeds must be stratified for atleast 12-24 hrs.

Louisiana Irises:


Louisiana Iris seed pods are larger than Siberian Irises and can differ in shape, ranging from round to oblong. They become brown as they get older and then begin to split.


Seed pods are usually ready for harvesting just a few weeks after the blooming period, at which point, they begin to turn brown and start to split.


After harvest, the seed pods may be broken open to release the seeds. Seeds benefit from stratification.

Growing Irises starting from Seed Pods

Like any other plant or flower, Iris seed pods follow few steps to grow into beautiful flowering plant.

Growing Conditions:

Siberian Irises can take advantage of colder climates and be grown in garden soils that have moderate humidity. While Louisiana Irises thrive in warmer humid climates. They prefer humid, wet conditions. They perform desirable in wet or moist soil with full sun.


Harvest Iris seeds from seed pods in late summer or at the beginning of winter, few weeks after the blooming period. Look for mature sees pods and split them open to collect healthy seeds.


After collecting the seeds, the seeds must usually be stratified (exposed to cold) to assure that they germinate successfully. Plant the seeds 3/4 inch into the ground and October is the best month for planting the seeds.


Germination can take anywhere from weeks or even months. Usually they germinate in early spring.


The seeds of plants that are grown from seed will take between two and three years to flower.

Where to buy Iris seeds

There are many ways to purchase Iris seeds because of its popularity. Here are few where you can buy iris seeds:

Online Retailers:

Many online retailers sell iris seeds like Amazon etc. Make sure to check the reviews of customers before placing the order.

Local garden and nurseries: You can find these seeds in local garden and nurseries in your area by visiting them personally.

FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

Do Irises Produce Seed Pods?

Yes, Irises create seed pods. Few weeks after blooming, seeds can be collected from seed pods when they turned brown, a sign of maturity.

Do iris reproduce by pollination?

Absolutely. Provided satisfying pollinators, the Irises will produce flowers that are effectively pollinated.

What Do Iris Seed Pods Look Like?

Seed pods for Iris appear green and resemble tiny capsules or pea pods shape. They are oblong-shaped and often have many seeds and are located near the top of the flower stalks.

When should you remove the Iris seed pods?

If you want to stop the iris plant from releasing seeds, take out its seeds when the pods start to turn get dry and brown. This generally happen around one or two weeks after flowering.

Do I need to remove the seeds from iris?

Eliminating seed pods saves the plant energy that would be spent to grow seeds, but instead will be put towards increasing its health and development instead. In addition, it keeps your garden clean while stopping the unnecessary self-seeding of undesirable Irises.

What do I Do With Iris Seed Pods?

Take seed pods out to conserve energy in the plant, or use them to grow new iris plants out of their seeds.

Can I Grow Irises From Seed Pods?

Yes, Irises can be produced from pods of seeds. But, it requires patience because their seeds have to be stratified (exposed to cold temperatures and then gradually germinated).

Can You Plant Iris Seed Pods?

Seed pods contain seeds that can be planted directly, but first you must pick and store them.

How do you cultivate iris using pods of seeds?

In order to cultivate iris from seed pods steps-by-step instructions will be given as follows. Allow the seed pods to mature on the respective plants until they become dry and brown before taking them off and harvesting their contents. Store them to be reused!

Start a process of stratification for seeds by putting them in a container with damp sand, or paper towels placed in the refrigerator for a few weeks (4-6). After stratification, they can be planted into seed-starting mix, making sure that the soil remains moist.

Set the containers in a sunny and warm place until germination takes place (which may take a couple of weeks). After they have established themselves, you can transplant them into your garden.

How to plant Iris seeds?

In order to grow irises on your own, first, you need to gather their seeds, then proceed with the germination process explained earlier.

When is the desirable time to harvest Iris Seed pods?

Harvest them as soon as their color changes to brown and they begin to split – typically about a week after their flowering fades.

Do You Cut Off Iris Seed Pods?

Yes. If do not wish your plant to spend energy to produce seeds, cutting the seed pods could benefit to save resources and energy. To harvest the iris seed pods correctly, wait until the pods begin to begin to brown and crack open, before carefully cutting them off from your plant.

How long will it take for Iris seeds to flower?

Irises that are grown from seeds typically require two to three years time from sprout to flower, depending on their species and the growing conditions.

Comparing the seeds of Siberian Irises with Louisiana irises may require an understanding of the ways how these two kinds of irises differ, and also how to accurately use and manage the seed pods of both species for propagation.

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