How to Grow Sweet Alyssum | Planting, Care and Benefits

How to Grow Sweet Alyssum | Planting, Care and Benefits

Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritime) is a charming and delicate plant with its small, colorful flowers and sweet fragrance. But don’t get taken in by just its beauty; it is known for its toughness and adaptability. It is commonly used as a bedding plant for gardens and landscapes because of compact growing habit. Within just two months, sweet alyssum will grow and cover your garden with tiny 4-petal flowers, and its grey-green lance-shaped leaves only add to the beauty.

In this article, we will explore the following topics:

  • How to grow Sweet Alyssum from seed?
  • How to plant Sweet Alyssum in pots, containers or hanging baskets?
  • Caring for Sweet Alyssum
  • Benefits and Uses of Sweet Alyssum
  • Where can you find the seeds or plants for sale

Quick Facts about Sweet Alyssum:

Scientific Name

Lobularia maritime




Mustard Family (Brassicaceae)

Height and Width

4-10 inches tall and 12-18 inches wide

Flower Color

White, Purple, Light Pink or Lavender

Flower Size and Shape

¼ inch size with 4 cross-shaped petals

Sun Exposure

4-6 hours exposure or partial shady light

Soil Requirement

Neutral or slightly acidic

When to Plant

Spring, Fall

How to plant and grow Sweet Alyssum from seed

Growing this wonderful flowering plant from seed is quite easy. In just two months, your garden will splendor with its attractive flowers and honey-like sweet fragrance. Following is the step-to-step guide:

How to Grow Sweet Alyssum Planting, Care and Benefits

Choose the Right Location and Timing

  • Sunlight: This plant prefers full sun. But in areas with hot weather, it requires partial shade as it is not the fan of extreme heat.
  • Soil: Like many other flowers, Sweet Alyssum requires moist and well-drained soil. Don’t worry, it’s not picky about soil, but it grows best in slightly acidic soil (pH 6-7).

This wonderful plant prefers cool temperature to grow and bloom. If you live in such areas, then you are in for a treat. Though, it also grows well in hot climate if it receives shade and ample water during extreme heat.

Planting the Seeds

  • Loosen the soil properly with rake and remove any shrubs or weeds to avoid the competition for nutrients. Make sure to moisten the soil before planting.
  • Plant the seed slightly below the soil surface but not completely covered and water them lightly.
  • Make sure to space them about 4-6 inches apart for better growth.

Tip: You can plant Sweet Alyssum seeds in early spring after the last frost date or in fall.


  • Watering: Although Sweet Alyssum are adaptable to wide range of growing conditions, but water regularly until seeds germinate.
  • Germination: Seeds take about 7-10 days to germinate.


  • Sweet Alyssum blooms in 50-60 days after planting with its splendor of beautiful and colorful flowers. You can enjoy the bloom till first frost date in your area.

How to grow Sweet Alyssum in containers or pots

Sweet Alyssum flowers grow beautifully in containers. It is well-suited for container gardening, especially for window boxes, hanging baskets, or small flower pots, thanks to its compact growth habit and spreading nature.How to Grow Sweet Alyssum in container

Here is how you can plant and grow Sweet Alyssum in pots or containers:

  1. Containers: Use small pots or container or hanging basket with well-drained holes. Choose a pot that is at least 6-8 inches deep and has a diameter of 10-12 inches (for small pots) or larger if you’re planting more than one Alyssum
  2. Soil: Use a light, well-draining seed-starting mix. These seeds need good drainage to germinate successfully.
  3. When to plant: You can plant your seed 3-5 weeks earlier than the last frost date if you want to grow indoor. After last frost date or in fall season, if you are planting outside.
  4. Planting Depth: Plant the seeds lightly in seeding mix. Don’t press too hard as it would affect germination.
  5. Watering: Lightly water after planting to boost germination. Keep the soil moist until the seeds sprout.
  6. Germination: Place the container in warm location (70-75°F or 21-24°C). Sweet Alyssum seeds typically germinate in 7-10 days.
  7. Light: Once the seeds have germinated, they need plenty of light to grow strong. Provide bright light by placing them in a sunny window. Sweet Alyssum prefers 4-6 hours of sunlight daily.

Benefits of Growing Alyssum in Pots:

  • Portable: You can move the pots to follow the sun or to protect from extreme weather.
  • Attractive: Alyssum’s fragrant flowers and spreading habit make it perfect for window boxes, hanging baskets, and decorative containers.
  • Low Maintenance: Alyssum requires minimal care and is well-suited for beginners or those with limited time for garden maintenance.

By following these steps, you can grow healthy, fragrant Alyssum in pots, creating beautiful, scented displays both indoors and outdoors!

Click here to read more about beautiful flowers grown in containers: Wisteria Flowers

Caring and Maintenance for Sweet Alyssum


A) Watering

After seedling began to grow, provide inch water every week for better bloom. When they are fully grown, watering once a week or natural rain is enough. Though in dry weather, you have to regularly water the plant to avoid wilting them. In case of containers, water regularly but make sure to not clog the soil as it would have opposite effect of what you want.

Tip: Water early in the day to avoid fungal issues.

B) Fertilizers

Sweet Alyssum doesn’t need fertilizers of any kind, unless the soil is too poor to grow anything. In that case, remove weeds around the plant if they are any and add water soluble fertilizer once in a month.

If you are growing Sweet Alyssum in container, then apply balanced fertilizer in 4-6 weeks to promote blooming.

C) Pruning and Deadheading

Deadheading will allow Sweet Alyssum to continue flowering. You can solve the problems of wilting of your Sweet Alyssum by pruning one-third to half of them will allow the plant to grow vibrant again. In mild winter areas, they bloom throughout the winter and pruning can prove useful for you. Pruning will also help if you want to prevent seed formation and encourage blooms for a longer period.

D) How to control pests and powdery mildew

Sweet Alyssum is generally a pest- resistant plant. Occasionally, it might attract aphids, caterpillars or powdery mildew in humid condition. But because of its fragrance properties, it attracts Bees, Ladybugs and hoverflies (natural predators of aphids and caterpillars).

Spraying occasionally during humid conditions can help prevent powdery mildew. Also water early in the day to avoid fungal issues.

Additional Tips:

  • If you want to grow Sweet Alyssum in future, allow some plants to bloom and form seeds at the end of growing season. The small seed pods will form. Let them dry and after collecting them, store them in cool, dry place for next planting season.

Benefits and Uses of Sweet Alyssum:

Sweet Alyssum has many uses and benefits, making it a popular plant in gardens, containers, hanging boxes and even for practical purposes.

how to grow sweet alysuum

Ornamental Uses:

Sweet Alyssum is known for its low growth, carpet-like spreading habit. Because of this, it is commonly used as ground cover to fill the spaces between plants to create a beautiful view. It’s also one the most commonly grown plant along garden borders or paths because of its compact size and attractive flower clusters.

Sweet Alyssum is ideal for hanging baskets, window boxes, and pots because it’s both low-growing and trailing abilities. Its delicate flowers and sweet scent make it a perfect choice for hanging displays. It blends beautifully with other flowers, such as pansies, petunias, geraniums, and marigolds creating arrays of beautiful displays.

Fragrance and Companion Planting:

The sweet, honey-like fragrance of Sweet Alyssum can fill the air around your garden, making it a wonderful plant to grow near outdoor living areas, such as patios, porches, or balconies.

Sweet Alyssum is also a wonderful companion plant in vegetable and flower gardens. Its strong fragrance helps attract a variety of beneficial insects, including bees, butterflies, and hoverflies. This makes it an excellent addition to your gardens, especially to fruits and vegetable plants pollination.

These insect can aid in controlling pests. The dense mat of Alyssum can also provide ground-level protection against soil-borne pests.

Erosion Control and Soil Health:

Like many flowering plants, Sweet Alyssum can help improve soil health by adding organic matter as it decays and providing habitat for beneficial soil organisms. Because of its lower nutrient requirement, it easily grows around the edges, making it perfect for avoiding soil erosion. It has shallow, fibrous roots, which compete with weeds for nutrients and make it hard for them to grow.

Low Maintenance:

Sweet Alyssum is quite easy to grow and has low maintenance. It thrives in a variety of soil conditions and can tolerate moderate drought once established. It adaptability makes it perfect for gardeners to grow.

Winter Hardiness and Versatility:

Sweet Alyssum is quite resistant to frost, making it a good option for cool-season gardens. In mild climates, it can bloom through the winter, providing color and interest during colder months. Although it grows best in cooler condition, it can still handle some warmer conditions with adequate moisture, making it versatile for many climates.

Sweet Alyssum Seeds and plants for sale

Local Garden Centers or Nurseries:

  • Nurseries: Check with your local garden centers, nurseries, or landscaping stores. You can easily find Sweet Alyssum seeds there.
  • Flower and Plant Markets: If your area has a farmers’ market or flower market, you will be able to find these plants being sold there in the spring or summer season

Online Seed Retailers:

  • Amazon: Online retailers like Amazon offer a wide selection of Sweet Alyssum seeds from various sellers. You can find both, individual packs or larger bulk quantities.
  • Etsy: For a more specialized or organic selection, check Etsy, which has many independent sellers offering organic Alyssum seeds and sometimes plants as well.
  • Burpee: Burpee is one of the largest online garden retailers, offering a variety of Alyssum seeds, including Sweet Alyssum in different colors.
  • Johnny’s Selected Seeds: This reputable seed company offers quality Sweet Alyssum seeds and other garden supplies. Johnny’s is ideal if you’re looking for non-GMO and high-quality seeds.

Types of Sweet Alyssum to look for when buying:

If you are buying Alyssum seeds, these are few varieties you can consider:

  • White Sweet Alyssum
  • Lavender or Purple Alyssum
  • Pink Alyssum
  • Mixed Color Alyssum


Price Range:

  • Seeds: Normally, a packet of Sweet Alyssum seeds costs anywhere from $2 to $5 for a small packet both online or retail purchase.
  • Plants: Grown Sweet Alyssum plants typically range from $4 to $10 per plant, depending on the size and whether they’re purchased in trays or individual pots.


Overall, Sweet Alyssum is charming, beautiful and fragrant plant with a lot of benefits. It is perfect for gardens, container and hanging boxes. Its sweet fragrance makes it attractive to pollinators, enhancing the garden environment further. Whether you’re buying seeds or plants and wondering how to grow Sweet Alyssum, then after reading this guide, I am sure you know it is easy to grow in well-drained soil and full sun. With its low maintenance requirement, it’s a great addition to any landscape.

Now that you know how to grow and care for Sweet Alyssum, it’s time to get started! Don’t forget to share your planting experiences with us, and happy gardening!


What is Sweet Alyssum good for?

Sweet Alyssum is a beautiful, fragrant flowering plant. It is known for its fragrance ability to attract numerous beneficial insects which helps in pollination of vegetables and fruits trees in your garden.

Does Sweet Alyssum grow back every year?

Normally, it blooms spring till first frost date in cooler temperature. It is grown annually in most climates, but in a slightly warmer climate, it will grow as a perennial.

What is the best place to grow Sweet Alyssum?

Sweet Alyssum is quite a resilient plant once it is established. The best place to grow it is a well-drained soil and natural nutrient soil facing full sun or atleast 6 hours. It will benefit from shade in hot climate.

Is the Sweet Alyssum flower poisonous?

Sweet Alyssum is non-toxic to both human and animal. Though they do have a slightly pungent taste. Its small flower with its leaves can be used as a salad or with omelette.

How long does Sweet Alyssum takes to grow?

Roughly 2 months. Sweet Alyssum is a fast growing plant and takes about two months to grow from seeds into beautiful, fragrant flowers.

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