Persimmon Seed | How to Grow Persimmon | Weather Prediction

Persimmon Seed | How to Grow Persimmon | Weather Prediction
Persimmon is an orange color edible fruit with a very sweet taste. Any single persimmon contains 5 to 8 seeds which can be collected at early winter. Persimmon tree is a easy tree to grow with very low maintenance.

Persimmon Seeds types

There are generally two main types of persimmon seeds:
  1. American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana):

  2. american persimmon tree
  • It is native to eastern states of America and smaller as compared to Asian persimmon.
  • When unripe, it tastes less sweet as compared to the Asian persimmon and is comparatively smaller in size.
  • American persimmon seeds are usually smaller and more irregular in form compared to the seeds of the Asian persimmon.
  1. Asian Persimmon (Diospyros kaki):

  • Originally grown in East Asia especially in china and japan, Asian persimmon is larger and sweeter that the American persimmons.
  • Asian persimmon fruits are eaten when fully ripe because of their sweetness.
  • Like Asian persimmons, American persimmons have seeds, however, the seeds found inside Asian persimmons are relatively large and more uniformly shaped.
Both types of persimmons can have differences according to the cultivation variety or environment. The seeds may have a small variation in their shapes and sizes, but generally they are in spoon, fork or knife shapes referred by people for foretelling winter weather.

Folklore regarding Persimmon seeds

The folklore associated with persimmon seed indicating the severity of winter is a very interesting traditional belief.  Inside a persimmon seed, it’s possible to discover something which resembled a spoon, a fork, or a knife if this seed was split. Because of this, some people believe that persimmon seed can predict weather.
According to the folklore:
  • If the dried inside the persimmon has a spoon shape, that indicates that there will be wet, heavy snow.
  • If the seed is shaping like a fork, it implies that it will be a mild winter with powdery and light snow.
  • Even if there is a knife, which must means there would be cutting wind in winter.Folklore about persimmon seeds
Nevertheless, it is significant to mark that this folklore has not been approved as a result of scientific development and can be explained by people’s superstitions rather than a successful attempt to predict a weather.

Guide on How to Grow Persimmon From Seeds

Like many other fruit plants, persimmon tree can also be grown from seed. Following are the few steps on how to grow persimmons from seeds:
  1. Seed Collection:
  • Collect fresh seeds from the ripe persimmon by cutting it open. Ideally it is advisable to gather seeds of a variety that you like and love to eat, whether it is the Asian persimmon or the American persimmon.
  1. Seed Preparation:
  • Some seeds may have pulp; one should wash the seeds to ensure that the pulp is removed completely. You can also wash them with a soft brush in running water to free them of dirt.
  • To help break the dormancy, some sources recommend stratification. Put the seeds in damp sand or peat moss in a container and place them in a refrigerator at around 40°F to 45°F (4°C to 7°C) for almost 90 days to mimic winter cold.
  1. Potting Mix:
  • Ensure that you have a well-draining growing mix that you can use for germinating your seeds. Both the peat moss / perlite and the compost are good choices.
  • Make sure pot has well drainage system.
  1. How to Plant the Seeds:
  • To plant the persimmon seeds successfully, you have to sow each persimmon seed about 1 inch deep in the potting mix.
  • Orientations: When planting the seed always ensure that you place it in an erect position with the pointed end downwards.
  1. Watering:
  • Ensure watering the seeds after planting. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged. To germinate, persimmon seeds require moist soil.
  1. Location and Light:
  • Sit the pots in an area with good but indirect light, as the seedlings prefer sunny but somewhat subdued conditions.
  • Fully grown persimmon trees prefers complete sunlight exposure.
  1. Germination:
  • It can take several weeks to several months for persimmon seeds to germinate depending on which variety you planted. Just remain calm and keep the soil moist by regularly watering.
  1. Transplanting:
  • When Seedlings have developed several sets of true leaves and are strong enough, they can be transplanted to the new bigger pots if growing indoors or direct to the soil outside.
  1. Outdoor Planting:
  • In case of planting outdoors, select a part of the garden that has good sunlight exposure and the soil must be one that has good drainage faculties. Persimmon tree favors slightly acidic soil of pH (6. 0-6. 5)
  1. Care:
  • Ensure young plants receive adequate irrigation especially during the dry season.
  • Care should be taken not to water its base; instead, the area around the base should be mulched to ensure that the soil holds water.
  • Prune overgrowth branches and trim those blocking the sun. Guard younger trees from gusts of wind and other harsh weather conditions.
  1. Pruning and Maintenance:
  • As the tree of persimmon will be standing tall over some years, the tree must be pruned to stay healthy and the needed parts of the tree should be cut and discarded off, especially the damaged, crossing or undesirable ones. Trimming and pruning also aid in tree growth and fruiting and this needs to be done overtime to achieve the desired outcome.
  1. Fruit Production:
  • Fruiting of Persimmon trees normally starts after 3-5 of growth, although it varies with the type of tree and the climatic conditions in different areas.
Additional Tips:
  • Pollination: Although there are some persimmon varieties which have the ability to pollinate themselves, others need cross-pollination. If you are cultivating several trees, it is advisable to plant those whose varieties are compatible for cross pollination so as to result in fruitful trees.
  • Climate Considerations: Persimmon trees are cold-sensitive, so if you are living in colder climate, you would require large containers that can be moved inside or select cold tolerant species.
If you have followed these steps and given proper care, you will not find it hard to nurture persimmons from seeds to seedlings, and transform them into fruit bearing trees.

Nutritional Composition of Persimmon fruit

persimmon fruitIt is imperative to note that persimmon fruits contain vitamins, minerals and several phytochemicals. Key nutritional components include:
  • Vitamins: Persimmons are richest in vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and vitamin C – these vitamins help to maintain immune system, skin and the power of visions.
  • Minerals: It comprises potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, important for different physiological processes like muscular, skeletal tracts.
  • Fibers: Like most fruits, persimmons contain dietary fibers that are essential for improving digestion and managing blood sugar levels in the body.

Persimmon Uses and Benefits

Both American and the Asian persimmons have multiple uses and are important for their taste, nutritional values and the purpose they serve in our diet.Following are some common uses of persimmons:
  1. Fresh Consumption:
  • Both types of persimmons can be eaten directly and fresh when ripe. Asian persimmons are often eaten like apples or pears, that’s why one can just peel it and eat it raw.
  • American persimmons are much smaller and very bitter when unripe to moderate ripeness but the ripe and soft unified are eaten raw.
  1. Cooking
  • Persimmons are soft fruits and can well be used when baking cakes, breads, muffins and cookies. It incorporates the ingredients in baked products by offering a sweet and a moist feel on it.
  • They can also be stewed and used in preparations for making preserves and jams.
  1. Drying:
  • Some Asian persimmons like the Hachiya are dried and this is mainly used in preparation of a Japanese delicacy known as “hoshigaki,” which is made through air-drying of the fruit to form the dried soft persimmon.
  1. Salads and Sides:
  • Persimmon in salads is also very possible as the fruits can be either sliced or diced while preparing the salad. This include greens, premium nuts, various cheeses, and vinaigrettes go well with them.
  1. Smoothies and Juices:
  • Persimmons can be used to prepare smoothies or be in a blender as juices. They give an additional taste, sweetness, and also contain some essential vitamins to the food.
  1. Decoration and Garnish:
  • Persimmons are often incorporated visually in service dishes, fruit bowls, jellied and baked items and some dishes because of their bright orange color and spherical shape.
  1. Traditional and Medicinal Uses:
  • People use persimmon in traditional ways to enjoy its health effect which is believed to can improve digestion and supply vitamins and minerals.
In conclusion, persimmon fruits are of great variety in the manner and form in which they can be consumed depending on their ripeness. They are valued for their taste, nutritional qualities (being rich in Vitamin A and C, and having dietary fiber content) versatility in their usage in sweet and even savory preparations.

Where to Purchase

  • Picking up personally: Collecting persimmon seeds personally is a best way to find quality seeds.
  • Online Retailers: Amazon is one such website where you can find these seeds.
  • Local gardens and nurseries


Aside from bearing fruits of enjoyable taste and nutrition value, persimmon tree is a very beautiful addition to any garden. Growing persimmon trees from seeds can be a challenging endeavor but with a relishing results. By following above mentioned guide, you can grow persimmon seeds to tall healthy tree.Please comment if you have like our article or if you want us to write about any particular tree and its seeds.

Do persimmon have seeds?

Yes, persimmons do contain seeds within them. Seed sizes and shapes may differ from one type of persimmon to another.

What did the persimmon seed say for 2024-2025?

There is no actual fact to prove the folklores about the seeds of this fruit but they are a result of traditional beliefs. There is a legend that using the persimmon seed to predict winter weather.
  • If the seed resemble a spoon, it would be a wet, heavy snow in winter.
  • A spoon like fork, snow in winter would be mild and light snow.
  • If it looks like a knife then winter frontal wind would be cutting.

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